Why Choose Italy Flower Pot 17 with hanger? With a variety of sizes and colors that are durable, not easy to fade and are made from plastic that is safe and not easy to break!
CV Wahana Surya is a Plastic Household Furniture Factory such as Italy Flower Pot 17 with hanger which are used to place your favorite plants / flowers at home and are suitable as decorations for the interior or exterior of your home. By using attractive colors and designs, it is very suitable for household decoration purposes or for decorating your business premises. Produced by CV Wahana Surya is made from quality raw materials and is not easily broken.
CV Wahana Surya is the most complete plastic manufacturer for household products, which has a partner in the distribution of household appliances in several big cities in Indonesia. Plastic Factory that produces various models and colors of Plastic Flower Pots. CV Wahana Surya always prioritizes the most complete quality of household products and affordable prices because the CV Wahana Surya Plastic Factory also supports the business of plastic distributors and plastic suppliers.
CV Wahana Surya is a plastic injection manufacturing company which produces houseware and furniture products. We are based in Surabaya, Indonesia with a widespread distribution channel across the nation. Our production facility only uses the highest quality of raw materials which are processed with high-capacity and latest technological machineries. For more than 20 years, CV Wahana Surya has succeeded to uphold their reputation for producing high quality products at a competitive price point.
CV Wahana Surya has several brands as follows:
- Susan Plastic Houseware: Household supplies, such as, basins, baskets, container boxes, water barrels and many more
- Maxima Furnitures: Furniture products, such as, chairs, tables, drawers, cabinets
- Delipack: A wide range of thinwall sizes and shapes
- Deliplas: Modern plastic houseware
If you have any questions please contact us below:
Phone : +62 819 - 1000 - 8101
Email: [email protected]
Instagram : wahanasuryaplastics
Facebook: Wahana Surya
Youtube : Wahana Surya Surabaya
CV Wahana Surya merupakan Pabrik Plastik produk perlengkapan rumah tangga terlengkap yang sudah terdistribusi ke seluruh kota di Indonesia. Produk CV Wahana Surya menggunakan bahan baku plastik yang berkualitas tinggi yang diproses dengan mesin modern berkapasitas tinggi serta SDM (Sumber Daya Manusia) yang terspesialisasi. Dengan begitu, Produk CV Wahana Surya sangat terjamin kualitas dan mutunya dengan harga produk yang sangat kompetitif guna mendukung bisnis Agen dan Distributor Perabotan Plastik kami yang tersebar di seluruh Indonesia.
CV Wahana Surya mempunyai beberapa merk diantaranya:
- Susan Plastic Houseware: Perlengkapan kebutuhan rumah tangga seperti baskom, keranjang, container box, tong air dan masih banyak lagi
- Maxima Furnitures: Produk furniture seperti kursi, meja, laci, lemari
- Delipack: Berbagai macam ukuran dan bentuk thinwall
- Deliplas: Peralatan Rumah Tangga Modern
Jika ada pertanyaan silahkan hubungi kontak kami di bawah ini :
HP/WA : 081 - 886 - 1999
Email : [email protected]
Instagram : wahanasuryaplastics
Facebook : Wahana Surya Plastik
Youtube : Wahana Surya Surabaya